Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Strathconon Traditional Highland Games

Strathconon Traditional Highland Games.
The Strathconon Highland Games is held usually the last Saturday in July or the first Saturday in August every year. The games have been the main social event for many locals now for over 40years.
Starting the morning off is the competative Hill Race for all those hardy folks, Heavy Events, Clay Pigeon Shoot, Adult and Children's Races, Field Events, and Tug o War, so get yourself a team together if your brave enough to take on the “Strathconon Babes” this year!!
Tea Stalls and other local stalls have become a popular attraction at the games along with face painting, darts and lets not forget the BBQ with homemade Venison Burgers, the best around… and of course no Highland Games would be complete with-out a Beer Tent!
“ A Games which tries to keep a more traditional, non professional feel to the day, it is in the original spirit of Highland Games”.
Ending the day in Traditional fashion is the Games Dance held in the Local Village Hall, with Music and there sure to be some sort of entertainment!
So please feel welcome and come along to join in one of our biggest events of the year.